Understanding Integrative Medicine and your options for treatment

I have talked about the fact that I spent literally hundreds of hours researching cancer and well it turns out that what I had Regina doing is an actual thing called Integrative Medicine. I find it so puzzling that the minute you mention natural or holistic healing, so many people tune out. WHY is it ok to listen to how poison will heal you, but something natural won’t? I don’t understand that mindset whatsoever, so I hope you will continue to read on as it might just save your life. PLEASE read everything from this point forward PRIOR to agreeing to chemotherapy and radiation. This is ONLY my humble suggestion.

I am a firm believer that you cannot achieve true healing without addressing the emotional state you are currently in, and that mental state affects every single cell in your body. I wrote an article for my university back in 2011 called the Mind Body connection. Since then, that topic has been addressed, focused on, written about and so on and so on. Due to the fact that I obtained a degree in Psychology, I was forced to take classes that made me incorporate counseling and clinical psychology into my own life. I think it’s ironic (not really) that during that time period, I was having full blown anxiety attacks, and I even became agoraphobic for 2 years. That means, I literally could not leave my home and it was a brutal time for me. I have experienced counseling/therapy from so many different sources, from professional counselors, church counselors, one life coach who deals with codependency issues, a lot of quiet time with God, and I have read a host of books and worked on techniques myself. All of these things that we learn to do to keep our mental state healthy have to be done lifelong. I have learned that it is my job to keep my own head on straight, and I can’t make anyone listen or hear me when it comes to the next section of this book. We have to want to get better and be better. If you want your body to be better, get your brain better too.


Cancer hospitals
